What are the benefits?

Vaginal steaming is used as a natural remedy for cleaning the vagina, uterus, and the entire reproductive tract. But the purported claims don’t stop there. Yoni steaming is a powerful ancient remedy that has been used for centuries by women worldwide to support deep wellness. Also known as vaginal steaming, chai-yok, or bajo, it is a holistic health practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to gently permeate the exterior of her vagina. Yoni is a Sanskrit word meaning “vagina,” “womb,” “goddess” or “origin of life,” and yoni steaming is intended to support all of these aspects of a woman.

The treatment may sound odd at first, but the truth is that, for millennia, women have shared this powerful practice among one another, inspiring each other to heal, nourish and love our bodies. Today, countless women are rediscovering the practice

Yoni Steaming can gently and effectively cleanses the uterus of any stagnation, build-up of old blood and corrects many issues dealing with menstruation, fertility and menopause. The healing steam and oils from the medicinal plants and herbs will aid your body in clearing old uterine membranes and restoring homeostasis.

Yoni Steams are also known as “v-steams”, “vaginal steams”, or “pelvic steams”. The moist heat of the steam bath is good medicine for the feminine body as it supports and softens the womb and the surrounding tissues, increases blood flow in the pelvic bowl and supports the uterus in releasing old stagnant blood. Steams can assist in healing a wide variety of gynecological issues. They are very effective at enhancing fertility and assisting in postpartum recovery.These blends of organic and medicinal herbs are known to assist with menstrual discomfort and disorders, improve and increase fertility, treat uterine fibroids, cysts, prolapse, endometriosis, and hemorrhoids, speed healing postnatal, assist with chronic yeast infection, relieve menopause symptoms, rids body of toxins and relieves stress.