What is Yoni Steaming?

Yoni Steam is powerful for women's vitality in nourishing the uterus, regulating irregular cycles, reducing menstrual pain and imbalances and supporting fertility and reproductive health. It also supports spiritual and emotional cleansing and healing by reconnecting a woman with her feminine center and Inner Woman. It is also known to "tighten" the Vagina as well (smile)

Does Yoni Steam Improve Sex?

On an emotional level, yoni steaming supports us to cultivate a profound sense of self-love and increases our self-confidence (especially as it relates to our yonis!), which helps us to feel more sexy and sensual. On the physical level, yoni steaming increases circulation and increases lubrication, which can help increase libido and makes sex more enjoyable! And, the very act of steaming is slightly arousing, which helps us get turned on!

Can Yoni Steaming help my menstrual cramps?

One of the main reasons why women practice yoni steaming is because of its ability to significantly reduce pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation, as well as to regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles. It works like this: after the medicinal herbs release their cleansing and healing oils into hot water, they are carried via steam to the porous skin of the outer labia, where they are absorbed.

Does Yoni Steaming Detoxify?

Steam is used to draw toxins out of your body via the skin, or an herbal steam is used to clear congestion from your nasal passages when you have a cold. Likewise, steaming the exterior of your vagina draws out toxins and clears congestion from your womb. The gentle heat and moisture cause physical toxins to be released from cells into the lymphatic fluid, which is expelled from the body.

How long will my Yoni Steam appointment take ?

1 hour (approximately)

You will need to arrive 15 minutes early to complete your Yoni health "Intake Form" - for a quick consultation. Then you will change into your Yoni gown, and relax for a moment and enjoy hydrating fruit infused water, wine and hookah before you begin your holistic experience of steaming over herb infused water in a clean, calming and relaxing environment. POSITIVE GOOD VIBES

What is the cost ?

Come enjoy a comfortable, clean and holistic environment of relaxation. We provide our steam Queens with a CLEAN comfortable steaming gown, COMPLIMENTARY SLIPPERS, hydrating fruit infused water, wine and  Hookah ! Book your appointment now for our INTRODUCTIORY PRICE of $45