Flower and White Sage stick

Flower and White Sage stick
Qty: 1 Flower and White Sage Stick for $6.00
A practice old as time, developed by indigenous peoples, burning sage — also known as “smudging” — has been traditionally used to help clear negative energy.
Dried sage, especially white sage, was traditionally used by Native Americans for a whole host of benefits, most specifically as a method of purification. This is the term that most often springs to mind when we hear the word “smudging.”
According to recent studies, sage has powerful antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory qualities. Trusted Source Researchers are currently holding it under the microscope as a natural treatment for a whole host of issues
Mindfulness - Burning sage can help you in the pursuit of mindfulness.
Aromatherapy - Sometimes, the smell alone can chill you out, regardless of the plant’s chemical properties.
Belief in Intention - So even if you’re on the fence about whether or not burning sage can purify the air, its stress-relieving benefits can be totally great for your health. Having a ritual that is your space and your space alone can be good for you period.